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California health officials link gastrointestinal illness to raw oysters imported from Mexico

LOS ANGELES — Health officials have linked numerous cases of gastrointestinal illness in Southern California to the consumption of raw oysters imported from Mexico.
The California Department of Public Health this week warned consumers that raw oysters harvested from several locations on the Baja California peninsula and the mainland state of Sonora may be contaminated with norovirus.
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health reported Wednesday that there were more than 150 suspected local cases of gastrointestinal illness linked to raw oysters.
In San Diego County, health officials said Thursday that the local norovirus outbreak includes 69 confirmed and probable cases, and that oyster-associated cases were also being reported in Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura counties.
“Given the expanding number of harvest locations associated with illness and the potential of other sites to be involved, County Public Health is recommending against the use of all oysters imported from Mexico at this time,” a San Diego County press release said.
Common symptoms of norovirus include diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and stomach pain, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Other symptoms include fever, headache, and body aches.
